Version 2.3.2 Released

Version 2.3.2 Released

Version 2.3.2 of WatchMe was just released. You can download it from here.

New features include:

  • Recent task switches appear when you hover over the focus light (available to “Pro” users only).
  • New WCF Service layer that provides other applications the ability to automate and pull data from WatchMe (available to “Pro” users only). Click here for more information.
  • Fixed bug where Alt + F4 wasn’t closing the application.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T now toggles the “Show Totals” option.

Check out the release notes for a full list of new features.

Version 2.3.2 Released

Version 2.3.1 Released

The latest version of WatchMe (v 2.3.1) is now available for download. This is a maintenance release that includes bug fixes (primarily to fix the “Cannot find the file specified” error).

Cannot Find File error

Cannot Find File error

There have been a number of reports of a “Cannot find the file specified : System.Web” error whenever the latest version of WatchMe is doing a version check. I have a fix that I just finished working on and I will test it for the next day or so. I plan to release the fix on Thursday (or sooner if everything looks good).

Of course if you’re having this issue, your version of WatchMe can’t phone home to let you know when the new fix is available. 🙂

Keep an eye on the download page, or monitor either Twitter or Facebook to see when the new version is available.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused anyone.

P.S. I will personally email those of you that reported the issue as soon as the fix is available.

Version 2.2 is Here!

Version 2.2 is Here!

I have released the latest version of WatchMe (v2.2) which includes a number of highly requested features. You can download the latest version here.

The big highlights for this version include:

  • Countdown Timers – You can now create a “countdown” that will do just that – countdown to zero from a specified time. You can add a new countdown to any tab from the “Countdowns” menu. These countdowns are easy to tell apart from the traditional timers as they have an alarm clock icon in their time display. To change the start time (as well as notification options) right click on the time display and select “Set Time”. There is a whole section of options related to the new Countdowns in the options screen (System | Options) including what time format they should use. 3…2…1…Blastoff!
  • Control the Location of the Config Files – Until this release the configuration files used by WatchMe were located in a default location and could not be moved. Now you can choose where you would like to store these files to make it easier to back them up, etc. When you select “Manage Data Files” under the System menu you will be given the option to move your existing files to a new location, or even to create a whole new set of files. I store my files in a folder managed by Dropbox so that I can have the same timer files on both my work and home PC – slick!
  • Run WatchMe off a USB Memory Stick – In order to make the application more portable between machines, if you put the WatchMe executable and the config file in the same directory on a USB memory stick, you can take your timers with you to any machine.
I will be working on updating all of the help screens in the next few days to provide more information on these (and other) new features.
Version 2.2 on the way…

Version 2.2 on the way…

Hello all – I’m currently working on the next release, so I thought I would give you a quick preview of some of the upcoming things I’m working on.

  1. Storing config file(s) in different locations: You will be able to move the config files into a different directory, rather than being shackled to the default location that is used now. I have my beta version storing the config files in my dropbox folder so I can have the WatchMe on my work PC share the timers with WatchMe on my home PC.
  2. Running from a USB stick: By default the application will look for the config files in the same directory as the EXE first. This way you can put the app and it’s configuration files on a USB stick and then use it on different machines.
  3. Countdown Timers: Having the ability to create timers that count down from a set time rather than count up has been a common request for quite a while. I’m still working out the mechanism for this, but it will most likely be a new kind of timer you can add to the interface (just like the current timers). From there you can set the start time and it will count backwards, as opposed to up like the current timers.
Future enhancements (version 2.3 and higher) are hopefully going to include detailed logging of timers and generation of statistical reports (including time sheets).
If you have any comments or ideas about any of the features – feel free to comment on this post.
Thank you for your continued support of WatchMe. Happy timing!