Version 2.5.0 Released

I just released a new version of WatchMe which includes a feature I have been working on for a while – Counters! These new counter controls allow you to keep a running count of things that are of interest to you – breaks, pomodoros, the number of times your cubicle neighbour cracks his knuckles, etc.

The longer term plan is to allow countdowns and timers to increment and decrement these counters so you can automatically keep track of things, like pomodoros and rest periods.

I’ve also included a new timer format that shows tenths of an hour rounded up to the nearest tenth; a feature that a number of people who keep track of time for billing have asked for.

You can download the latest version here.

Version 2.4.8 Released

I just released version 2.4.8 of WatchMe which includes a number of new features related to countdowns including the ability to a countdown to automatically reset and also start/stop another timer or  timer.

These features should be helpful to a number of you, including those that make use of the Pomodoro Technique. Set up a countdown for your work period, then have it automatically reset and then start a second countdown for you rest period.

Version 2.4.7 Released

There was a bug in the latest version of WatchMe (v2.4.6) that would cause issues for people first running WatchMe when it creates a brand new WatchMeConfig.xml file. This issue has been fixed in this latest release.

If you ran into this problem, you will need to delete your existing WatchMeConfig.xml file so that the proper one can be created. If you are having trouble finding this file, check out this help page for more information.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Version 2.4.6 Released

Hi all

I just released a small update to WatchMe that includes a couple of features that users have been asking for and a fix for a “feature” that was driving some people nuts. 🙂

  • Countdown timers now have the option to automatically restart when they hit 0. This is only available for Pro users.
  • When manually entering time one a timer (right click on a timer’s time display and select Manually Set Time…) you can now enter time as fractions of an hour (e.g. 4.5 hours) along with the existing format of dd:hh:mm:ss.sss. This is only available for Pro users.
  • The Ctrl-X shortcut that was added in the last version is now gone and has been replaced. Now you can cut values all you want!